
February 2020

All posts published in February 2020

12 posts

The Case for Mike Bloomberg


This article is part of The Best Case for Each Candidate, where Opinion columnists make their argument for each of the top six candidates.The best case for Mike Bloomberg is that he’s a brilliant debater who has a witty riposte for every line of attack.OK. ... More »


The Case for Joe Biden


This article is part of The Best Case for Each Candidate, where Opinion columnists make their argument for each of the top six candidates.The Democratic Party has an opportunity: Donald Trump’s chronic unpopularity, even in the midst of solid economic growt... More »


Let’s Call It Trumpvirus


So, our Coronavirus Czar is going to be … Mike Pence. Feeling more secure?“I know full well the importance of presidential leadership,” the vice president said as soon as he was introduced in his new role.Totally qualified. First criterion for every job in thi... More »


Don’t Doubt Bernie


Stop saying that Bernie Sanders can’t win.Stop saying that he can’t defeat President Trump. That is by now a given. In fact, in head-to-head national polls, Sanders consistently outperforms Trump.Sanders is, for the moment, the clear front-runner to win the De... More »


Why Sanders Will Probably Win the Nomination


Successful presidential candidates are mythmakers. They don’t just tell a story. They tell a story that helps people make meaning out of the current moment; that divides people into heroes and villains; that names a central challenge and explains why they are ... More »


Bloomberg’s Debate Downer


Well, money can’t buy everything.Michael Bloomberg, star of a trillion TV ads, made his big debut at the Democratic debate and basically closed on opening night. In his chance to introduce himself as something warmer than a stone-faced billionaire, he looked p... More »


Democrats, Don’t Wish for Your Own Rogue


It is truly a devastating sight to watch liberals who have winced for years at Donald Trump’s issues on wealth, race and women allow fear, propaganda and influence mercenaries to push them into supporting a man who has his own issues concerning wealth, women a... More »


The Bloomberg Temptation


For a long time the notion of a Michael Bloomberg presidential candidacy seemed like a Manhattan fancy, a conceit with elite appeal but no mass constituency, a fantasy for Acela riders who imagine that the American people are clamoring for a rich person’s idea... More »


This Is How Scandinavia Got Great


Almost everybody admires the Nordic model. Countries like Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland have high economic productivity, high social equality, high social trust and high levels of personal happiness.Progressives say it’s because they have generous welfar... More »


The Notorious Michael R. Bloomberg


Let’s state some facts: Michael Rubens Bloomberg notoriously expanded stop-and-frisk in New York City to obscene proportions, violating the bodies and constitutional rights of mostly minority men and boys, and not only defended the policy, but mocked his detra... More »


How Trump Wins Again


As several people have noticed, this was the most politically successful week of the Trump presidency.First, President Trump’s job approval numbers are rising. When the impeachment inquiry got rolling in October his Gallup approval rating was 39. Now it’s 49. ... More »


Think Trump’s Learned a Lesson? Hahahaha


Pick the worst moment of the Senate impeachment hearings:A) Susan Collins saying it’s O.K. to keep Donald Trump in office because he’s “learned from this case.”B) A spokeswoman for Jim Risch claiming the senator was not sleeping but just “listening with his ey... More »


February 2020
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