
The Harris Campaign’s Facade of Freedom

Ever since Kamala Harris took the Democratic nomination away from Joe Biden, the Democratic messaging shifted gears from “protecting democracy” to promoting “freedom.” This was especially true as Democrats unveiled an ad titled “Freedom” at the Democratic National Convention coupled with one of Harris’ go-to stump speeches where she proudly proclaims, “We chose freedom.”

As an immigrant, these promises of freedom and a brighter future resonate deeply. They echo the dreams of millions who have come to this country seeking the American dream—a place where freedom and opportunity are available to all. Yet, Harris’s promise of freedom is hollow and devoid from reality.

For over two decades in public office, Harris has shown a disturbing pattern of undermining the very freedoms she now claims to champion. Her career has been marked by actions and policies that prioritize state control over individual liberty.

Harris’s journey began as San Francisco’s District Attorney, where she used her prosecutorial power to defend a flawed justice system. Rather than advocating for the rights of the innocent, she shielded corrupt prosecutors and kept innocent people behind bars. Her tenure was not just about enforcing the law; it was about wielding power in ways that directly contradict her now supposed commitment to opportunity and freedom.

Her hypocrisy is further exposed by her handling of marijuana convictions. As District Attorney, Harris aggressively pursued marijuana cases, yet later, laughed about her own drug use. This is not even about drug use – it is about the double standard she uses. If she was an honest politician, she would admit that she deserves to be prosecuted for breaking the same law that she once used to put thousands of people behind bars.

This glaring inconsistency reflects a broader pattern, and her actions speak louder than words. If Kamala Harris believes in freedom, she believes it only for herself.

From the moment she entered the political sphere, Kamala Harris abused her power at the expense of the freedom of innocent Americans. But things did not improve once Kamala Harris was elected Attorney General of California in 2010. 

During her tenure as Attorney General, Kamala Harris supported and defended the aggressive use of civil asset forfeiture. This controversial practice allows law enforcement agencies to seize property—such as cars, homes, and cash—often without any formal charges being filed.

In 2023, a report showed that the FBI had seized over $86 million from innocent Americans who were not even suspected of committing a crime. In other words, Kamala Harris supported a policy that is routinely abused against innocent Americans. That is not a pro-freedom policy, it is an abuse of power and one that Kamala Harris is proud to support.

During her time in the Senate, Harris was momentarily restrained from undermining individual rights, primarily due to her limited power as a minority member and her absenteeism—she missed over 45% of votes. However, her assault on freedom quickly resumed when she assumed the role of vice president.

The Biden-Harris administration’s attempts to suppress dissent and control information were evident with the establishment of a Disinformation Board, echoing Orwell’s Ministry of Truth. 

Though public backlash led to its dismantling, the effort to manipulate and control information persisted behind the scenes. In fact, a recent report showed that the Biden-Harris administration directed 7 federal agencies to channel millions in grants to private organizations to censor their political opponents.

Harris’s campaign may project an image of freedom, but her record tells a different story. Her policies have consistently undermined the freedom of countless Americans. While she may claim to “choose freedom,” actions speak louder than words.

Gabriel Nadales is the National Director of Our America.

This post was originally published on this site

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