
January 2024

All posts published in January 2024

253 posts

Running for President Is Not a Hobby


Think I have something good to report, people. No, it’s not about how to get your kids Taylor Swift tickets in Tokyo.My news is that Dean Phillips is not going to run as a third-party candidate for president.“No! No!” he assured me when I asked him the big que... More »


The Dawn of a New Era of Oppression


I am fascinated, and alarmed, by the swiftness with which periods of backlash take shape after surges of Black progress, and I believe that we have entered another such period.Much of my inquiry on the matter has focused on the period after Reconstruction was ... More »


The Happy Hellscapes of Joe Vaux


The paintings that you create; they are so dense with creatures! There are fifty or sixty sets of eyes in some of them. DO they leave their lairs at the same time?I’m big on eyes and teeth. And yes, we hold mandatory meetings monthly.Some people might not know... More »


Harvard Health: Shining light on night blindness


Animals renowned for their outstanding night vision include owls, cats, tarsiers (a tiny primate in Southeast Asia) -- and even the dung beetle.But humans? Not so much.AdvertisementOver time, many people suffer from night blindness, also known as nyctalopia. T... More »


Protesting farmers have France’s government in a bind


Farmers relax by a bonfire as they block a highway Tuesday, Jan. 30, 2024 in Jossigny, east of Paris. With protesting farmers camped out at barricades around Paris, France's government hoped to calm their anger with more concessions Tuesday to their complaints... More »




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