
The Community Spotlight 2024.07.21

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Welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host as we look back at the site-related news and best community creations from the previous week!

The Lifetime Premium subscriptions are working for most, but there appears to be two slight issues. For those of you that did not have a premium subscription before attempting to add the Lifetime version, your account right now might not appear as if it has the lifetime subscription you paid for. If that’s the case, send an email to [email protected] or head on over to the Giant Bomb Discord and ping @dtoast in the “Site-Tech-Issues” section.

If your account is showing your Premium Subscription as having an expiration date of 2099 or 2199, then you are all good, but there are some people who have lost their access to the special Premium section of the Giant Bomb Discord. This can be resolved if you ping one of the mods in the “Site-Tech-Issues” section of the Discord.

Speaking of bugs and technical issues, if the premium podcast feeds were not working again, Shawn indicated on the Discord that the premium Bombcast feed (especially if you use PocketCasts) may have a bunk download hitting your device for today’s episode since he had to repost the episode to fix an issue. If that happens, redownloading should fix it.

Some of you pointed out that you felt like the 16th anniversary videos should be on the website itself, so @marino was able to make it happen! As more YouTube shorts get made, you can rely on the “GB16 – Favorite Moments” carousel on the front page to keep you up to date. Here are the videos that have been made thus far: Dan, Danny O’Dwyer, Bailey Meyers, Vinny, and Tamoor.

Speaking of videos, Shawn offered an update about the state of Giant Bomb’s YouTube page, which many of you have pointed out hides a ton of livestreams and VODs in weird and annoying ways. Now, there’s a new “Past Live Streams” carousel that should allow you to use the Giant Bomb YouTube’s pages front to rewatch VODs and not have to resort to searching for them in the “Live” tab. Overall, you can expect more efforts to be made to clean up and better synthesize the videos on the YouTube page in the future. Also, if you are going to be at EVO 2024, Shawn will be there and you can feel free to challenge him to a game of Tekken 8 on the fly.

If any of you will be at San Diego Comic Con, be aware there will be a Fandom x GameSpot x Giant Bomb panel that you can attend on July 25th from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. The panel will include Emma, Lucy, Chris Hayner, Tam, and Jan and the topic is “What Video Game Should Become the Next Hit TV Show?”



Mike “The King” Quan-Chi (By: @chucklenuggets)

Dan requested it and CHUCKLENUGGETS made it happen! So, here’s an incredible photoshop of Mike Quan Chi on to the body of Jerry Lawler! Also, use the link to join the GB Discord to catch such community creations like this in the moment!

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Dan x Sunshine (@JupiterJazz92)

So, if you haven’t yet watched the 07/18/2024 edition of Grubb’s John Romero’s Daikatana Blight Club, this joke might not work for you, but long story short, Dan doesn’t seem to understand some important things about the Sun and gravity. Over on Twitter/X, Jupiter Jazz decided to run with that in an effort to make a movie poster.

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Grubb x Toy Story: NES Edition (By: @JeffDunhamBlaze)

Our good friend Jeff Grubb has been considerably peeved by the release of Nintendo World Championships: NES Edition. With the game lacking global and friends leaderboards, basic quality-of-life features, and plagued by connection issues, the game has been a massive bummer. However, as this work of photoshopped goodness by JeffDunhamBlaze reminds us, there was a time when he was excited for the game.

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The Case Of The Golden Idol Is The 15th game Of UUGPGC Year 3! Finish By July 29. Mark All Spoilers (By: @bigsocrates)

Was this on your GOTY list in 2022?Was this on your GOTY list in 2022?
Was this on your GOTY list in 2022?

Hey Giant Bomb community! The latest pick for the Game Pass Game Club is The Case of the Golden Idol by developer Color Gray Games! Do you have any non-spoiler thoughts about its puzzle design or mystery? If so, join the discussion NOW!

The GB Album Club 064 – Symphony No. 3, Op. 36 (Symphony of Sorrowful Songs) by Henryk Górecki (By: @unclejam23)

Let's discuss one of the most powerful works of classical music. Let's discuss one of the most powerful works of classical music.
Let’s discuss one of the most powerful works of classical music.

It’s time to return to classical music as the Album of the Week Club listens to Symphony of Sorrowful Songs by Henryk Górecki! Join the group in assessing one of the most emotionally charged works of classical music!


DOOM³ is Fine but its Shotgun Still Sucks Ass (By: @ford_dent)

The most disappointing shotgun in video game history?The most disappointing shotgun in video game history?
The most disappointing shotgun in video game history?

Ford_Dent has been going through the Doom series and finally reached the incredibly divisive Doom 3. They aren’t entirely on the side of the game’s critics, but there’s something they can’t stand at all: Doom 3’s shitty shotgun.

Reload My Dread (By: @mooseymcman)

Friend of the site, MooseyMcMan wrote another epic piece relaying their thoughts about Persona 3 Reload, especially its final act and ending. Is it as powerful as the first time around? Read to find out! Also, SPOILER WARNING!

All PS1 Games In Order: Special – I Went Beyond The Beyond And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt (By: @borgmaster)

Maybe it was about the friends we made along the way. Maybe it was about the friends we made along the way.
Maybe it was about the friends we made along the way.

borgmaster rarely finishes the games they examine as part of their retrospective on every PS1 game released in North America, but Beyond the Beyond is one of them. Read why they couldn’t help but see this b-game to the end.

Anyway, Here’s WonderSwan (Part Six) +

Indie Game of the Week 379: Happy Game (By: @mento)

Does anyone here even remember Beyond the Beyond?Does anyone here even remember Beyond the Beyond?
Does anyone here even remember Beyond the Beyond?

It’s time for another tour through the wonderful world of the WonderSwan! Did you know there was a Shaman King game as well as a port of Wizardry I on the WonderSwan? Learn all about those games and more in the first link.

Mento also continues their weekly deep dives into various Indies. Amanita Design took a swerve into full-on horror with Happy Game, but did the change of tone do anything for them? Check the review to find out!

The Gulf Between The TV/Film Streaming Platforms Gaining And Losing Subscribers Is Massive. Are You Ready For Bundles? (By: @zombiepie)

Think things are getting weird for Game Pass? Well, moderator ZombiePie did a deep dive on the state of streaming for film and TV and discovered that things are even spicier there! Disney+ is losing subs while Paramount+ grows, what’s up?

Discussion Threads

Splitgate 2, A Sequel To A Multiplayer Game That Ceased New Development In 2022, Has Been Announced (By: @zombiepie)

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Splitgate 2 got a cinematic announcement trailer today! Did any of you play Splitgate? What is your reaction to the trailer? Join the discussion and give the announcement a watch over on the forums by clicking the link!

Which Games You’re Wishing Them To Be Ported To The Switch’s Successor? (By: @gtxforza)

With Nintendo clearly winding down software development for the Switch, what are some classic or modern games that you were thinking would get a Switch port but never did? Do you have hope these ports will make it to the Switch 2? Is NOW the time for a worldwide release of Doshin the Giant?

After Teasers And Hints; Emio Is Revealed To Be The 4th Installment Of The Famicom Detective Club Series (By: @zombiepie)

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After getting everyone excited with a teaser trailer, Nintendo has revealed that Emio is the 4th installment in the Famicom Detective Club series with the full title being Emio – The Smiling Man: Famicom Detective Club. Are you excited or disappointed by this news?

What Is Giant Bomb? (By: @bisonhero)

Giant Bomb is changing and as many of you have already politely shared in this thread, there are features that have been depreciated in favor of new ones. Also, what is Giant Bomb’s identity now and where do you see it in five years? Again, thank you to those of you that have participated in this thread in a civil and polite manner.


Most Emotional Video Games (By: @redfoxbennaton)

This has to be a well-played joke, right?This has to be a well-played joke, right?
This has to be a well-played joke, right?

The Giant Bomb moderators and I can’t figure out if this list is a shitpost or well-written joke. The comedic delivery is TOO GOOD! Ideas?

My 25 Top Games Of The 90s (By: @drjimmyb)

The 90s is further back in time than you probably would like. Nonetheless, that doesn’t mean you are not allowed to look back at the games from the 90s with nostalgia. For example, DrjimmyB challenge themselves to create a list of what they think are the 25 best games from the 90s and you can join them in this exercise as well.


Have any of you heard about this game before? Have any of you heard about this game before?
Have any of you heard about this game before?

@infantpipoc booted up Sakuna: Of Rice And Ruin and give it a whirl on Steam Deck. Check out their review to see how that version runs as well as their overall thoughts on Sakuna mixing of action and farming sim gameplay.

Wiki Of The Week

Famicom Tantei Club Part II: Ushiro ni Tatsu Shoujo

Get a better idea of what makes this franchise so popular with the fan translation community. Get a better idea of what makes this franchise so popular with the fan translation community.
Get a better idea of what makes this franchise so popular with the fan translation community.

So, after teasing a game project named “Emio” Nintendo revealed it to be the fourth entry in the Famicom Detective Club series! To get a better idea of what the franchise might be about, check out Giant Bomb’s AMAZING wiki page for the second game!

This post was originally published on this site

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