
Susan Sarandon Confronted for Claiming Oct 7th Atrocities/Rapes a Myth, Tries BOLTING But NOPE (Watch)

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What sort of insulated bubble must someone live in to actually think the horrific acts that took place on October 7th are a myth? Seriously. It would take deliberate ignorance to believe such a thing … 


Like Susan Sarandon does.

Hey, don’t take our word for it, you can hear it straight from the antisemite’s mouth:

Huzzah for not allowing Sarandon to bolt after calling proven, terrorist acts a myth.

Even though she tries to bolt and eventually grabs the phone.

What is WRONG with these people? 

It feels like we’re all taking crazy pills. College campuses unsafe for Jewish students and teachers? Open praise for Hitler on social media? Hollywood twits claiming October 7th atrocities are a myth?

This can’t be America 2024.

Psh, they only believe certain women.

They only care about certain atrocities.



You know, the ones that benefit their own personal agendas and narratives.

Sort of like Tom Arnold attacking his ex-stepson out of the blue?


We see what she did there.

This level of insanity takes way more than a bump on the head.

Just sayin’.



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