
Survey: Fewer Than 4 Percent of Journalists Are Republicans as of 2022

There’s a suggested Community Note to go with this chart that warns the reader to be cautious of any image without any source or citation given. Fair enough, but then there’s another suggested Community Notes that provides the source of the chart: it comes from a study by Syracuse’s Newhouse School of Public Communications, which polled 1,600 U.S. journalists in early 2022. Titled, “The American Journalist Under Attack: Media, Trust & Democracy: Key Findings 2022.”


As the title suggests, this survey of journalists was meant to help understand why the public’s trust in the media is at an all-time low and why most people see journalism as going in the wrong direction. It also looks at some other “dangers” to the profession. “U.S. journalists continue to rely heavily on social media in their daily work, despite more than half of the journalists also thinking social media have negative impacts on their profession.” it reads.

The reality check badly needed here is that about half of all journalists consider themselves to be Independents, with 36 percent calling themselves Democrats. Do you need a mirror, people?

That little red sliver? That’s Republicans.

They all graduate from the same journalism schools — it’s no wonder the indoctrination has been so effective.



The scary thing is they probably honestly believe they’re “independent.” Let’s see those voter registrations, huh?

And they have the nerve to publish this under the name, “The American Journalist Under Attack.” How about “The Republic Party Under Attack”?


This post was originally published on this site

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