
Rep. Jasmine Crockett Says This Election Is Best Example of Why We’re Afraid of DEI

We’re not big fans of trigger warnings, but we will let you know that there’s video of Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett embedded into this post. In hearings, Crockett will let you know when she’s finished asking a question — don’t try to answer before she’s delivered her monologue. She’s suggested exempting blacks from paying taxes. She was triggered by Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene making a comment about her fake eyelashes and came back with the “Crockett Clapback Collection” — “various swag that includes random things I’ve said,” including her clap back at Greene: “Bleach Blonde Bad Built Butch Body.”


Yeah, that’s her.

During a hearing with FCC Commissioner Brendan Carr, she got a little testy. See, the day before, Carr had tweeted:

Crocket decided to use the hearing to campaign for Kamala Harris a bit and go off on a rant about DEI, and how without it you end up with “simple-minded underqualified white men” like Carr ending up in positions of power:

“… instead you’ve got to pay attention to the qualified Black woman that is on the other side.”

Texas voters, what are you thinking?



So this helps black Texans get broadband internet how?


This post was originally published on this site

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