
Nigel Farage is a dreamer, just like David Steel | Brief letters

Nigel Farage suggesting he can win the next general election (Report, 20 September) puts me in mind of David Steel’s direction to delegates at the Liberal assembly in 1981 to “Go back to your constituencies and prepare for government”. Here’s hoping that Farage’s prediction is equally accurate.
Cherry Weston

My favourite among Graham Rawle’s Lost Consonants (Letters, 22 September) pictured the end of the Battle of Waterloo, with the caption “Napoleon defeated in his trousers”. I found it very funny, but it was embarrassing to have to explain it to my uncomprehending father-in-law at the time.
Jem Whiteley

I take issue with the comments from James Wilkinson, in which he suggests Margaret Thatcher was “famous” (Letters, 22 September). The correct word is “infamous”.
Alan Bond
Watchet, Somerset

A full-body health check for £299 (Report, 20 September)? What a great bargain from Neko. A friend recently paid £1,000 for an ultrasonic scan of a dog’s paw!
Timothy Treffry

You say “Neko is the brainchild of the Spotify co-founder Daniel Ek, who hopes to achieve the same for health that he did for music”. And that would be good, would it?
Dan Plews

Should give good business to the local Specsavers (Olafur Eliasson artwork set to turn London’s Piccadilly Circus into a blur, 23 September).
Richard Durrant

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