
MSNBC – Kamala Being ‘Product of a Mixed Marriage’ Will Make Putin Know We Are Truly Democratic

The left loves to go on and on about how they are the educated and smart ones. Self-flattering academics conduct studies to show how their liberal minds are better than conservative ones.


Then this happens. Watch the video. It’s worth your time.

Can you feel the intelligence? The iron-clad commitment to logic an reasoning?

No? Well, that’s because you can’t fathom the nuclear powered brain power behind this take. When the world sees that we “allowed” a black woman and the “product of a mixed-marriage” to be president, they will be inspired, moved and frankly, in awe of our democratic awesomeness.

No, this isn’t the ravings of a starstruck Taylor Swift fangirl, it’s an MSNBC guest, Retired U.S. Army General, Steve Anderson. Now that we think about it, he probably is a Swiftie to boot.

The money quote is that Putin himself will see that America put a black woman, who is a product of a mixed marriage, in the Presidency and … well, who knows what he’s babbling on about? The radiant light of Pure Diverse Democracy will purify Putin’s soul and he will give up his evil ways?

Never let a liberal mock you for watching “Faux News” as long as MSNBC exists.

Meanwhile, in real life.

Yeah, samzies.

Who is this clown, you ask?



How did we entrust our country to this guy? Who does he know? Who is he related to?

A little more background.

In case you were wondering how we got to a place where high-ranking military brass puts “gender diversity” above military preparedness, here’s your answer.

We’re all wondering this, Wendy.

Ah, it all makes sense now. We’re sold!


Only a professor of Critical Theory or an anti-American communist (but we repeat ourselves) really believe this.

Normies everywhere.

Live reaction from the Kremlin: “Why are you not tellink me dat Kamala is mixed marriage baby, I love now,” exclaimed an excited Vladimir Putin.


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This post was originally published on this site

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