
More BOEING whistleblowers go public over plane safety: ‘Ticking timebomb’…

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They say they just want to make sure the planes don’t crash.

Two former employees of Boeing and its key contractor have told The Post that — despite the deaths of two whistleblowers within two months this year — they are more determined than ever to tell the truth about what they allege are dangerous practices at the once-great but now-scandal-scarred manufacturer.

Roy Irvin, a veteran of Boeing, and Santiago Paredes, who worked at Spirit AeroSystems (not to be confused with Spirit Airlines), are just two of at least 20 whistleblowers in the process of making their concerns about safety and quality issues at the aerospace giant public.

Boeing has been wracked by a years-long crisis over safety in the wake of two 737 MAX crashes and subsequent congressional investigations, followed by whistleblower disclosures. Getty Images

Their testimony comes after years of Boeing being dogged by whistleblower testimony and congressional investigations.

scathing House Transportation and Infrastructure report in September 2020 found that two 737 MAX crashes in 2018 and 2019 were the “horrific culmination” of “repeated and serious failures” by the company and regulators.

Then in January, a fuselage plug blew off a new Alaskan Airlines Boeing 737 MAX-9 at 10,000 feet.

A whistleblower told the Seattle Times that the fault lay with Boeing because after the fuselage was delivered by its manufacturer, Spirit, a panel had been removed at Boeing’s Renton, Washington, factory and reinstalled without four crucial bolts.

Now Irvin and Paredes are speaking out.

Roy Irvin was a quality investigator at Boeing, checking the 787 Dreamliners after they came out of the factory. He became a whistleblower after finding defects in the planes almost every day that should have been fixed beforehand. ABC News 4

From 2011 until 2017, Irvin was a quality investigator at Boeing in North Charleston, SC, trying to ensure that $250 million 787 Dreamliner planes were ready to be put to work before they left the factory. He began at the company in 2009.

Irvin said he “pushed back” almost every day at serious safety and quality issues he found on planes that had left the factory floor and were on the “flight line,” meaning they were supposed to have been checked and found to be good to go.

But they weren’t, Irvin alleges, and he was often forced to be “insubordinate” because of how many times he called out the problems he saw.

“Missing safety devices on hardware or untightened hardware means that you’re not going to be able to control the airplane if those fail,” Irvin told The Post.

Santiago Paredes,a former quality manager at Spirit AeroSystems, a troubled Boeing supplier that builds the bulk of the 737 MAX, was intimidated and ultimately demoted after he spoke up about the many defects he saw in the planes. CBS NEWS

“The safety device is on there. If the fastener is not secured correctly, it’s going to fall off and you’re not gonna be able to control the airplane.”

Irvin worked with Boeing whistleblower John Barnett, 62, who was found dead on March 9 in a hotel parking lot in South Carolina, his silver pistol in his hand, after he failed to show up for the second part of his testimony for a bombshell lawsuit against the company. Police ruled that Barnett died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

Then Joshua Dean, 45, a former quality auditor at Spirit AeroSystems, died in early May from a fast-growing infection.

The deaths, paradoxically, may have empowered others to come forward.

Brian Knowles, a Charleston, SC, attorney who represents whistleblowers including Irvin and Paredes and also represented Barnett and Dean, told The Post his law firm has fielded dozens of new calls from potential whistleblowers in recent weeks.

Last January, a fuselage panel blew off a new Alaska Airlines Boeing 737. A whistleblower told the Seattle Times that the fault lay with Boeing, whose records showed that after the fuselage was delivered by Spirit, a panel had been removed at Boeing’s Renton factory and reinstalled minus four crucial bolts. AP

“Most of the people we’re hearing from are current employees,” he said. “These are not disgruntled employees.

“In many cases they love the company. It’s not about bringing down the company — it’s about getting it back on track.

“Boeing says they are open to hearing criticisms but in reality they are not being addressed internally and many are retaliated against for speaking out.”

Paredes was a production inspector for Spirit AeroSystems for 12 years before leaving in 2022.

He told The Post he was shocked when he arrived at the company and, he alleges, saw hundreds of defects on the production line. He was even more horrified, he said, when he was pressured not to say anything.

This was the aftermath of the fuselage panel blowing off the Alaska Airlines 737. AP

“I was at the end of the production line and so I was supposed to be looking at the finished product before they shipped it to Boeing.” Paredes said.

“Instead I saw missing parts, incomplete parts, frames that had temporary clamps and missing fasteners, dents in the parts, damaged parts, cut rivets, issues that might occur but should be fixed before they got to me.

“Everything I was seeing was like a ticking time bomb.”

His bosses, he alleged, would pressure him to keep his reports to a minimum — and nicknamed him “Showstopper” because his write-ups on the defects would often delay deliveries.

“They always said they didn’t have time to fix the mistakes,” said Paredes. “They needed to get the planes out.

“I also was afraid to look at the news every day and see that something had happened to a plane in the air. It was a nightmare.”

Boeing whistleblower John Barnett, 62, who died from an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound on March 9.
Barnett, who had worked for Boeing for 32 years, was found dead in his Dodge Ram truck holding a silver pistol in his hand in the parking lot of his South Carolina hotel after he failed to show up for the second part of his testimony for a bombshell lawsuit against the company. Courtesy of the Barnett Family

Spirit AeroSystems spokesman Joe Buccino said Spirit “encourages people to come forward with concerns and we’ve made it easier to do that.”

A Boeing spokeswoman emailed a statement that read in part: “Boeing takes very seriously any allegation of improper work or unethical behavior.

Catch up on Boeing’s ongoing airplane fiasco

Boeing has recently been plagued by safety concerns that began Jan. 5 after a door panel blew off a Boeing 737 MAX 9 jet during a flight from Oregon to California. According to the National Transportation Safety Board, the plane — which was operated by Alaska Airlines — appeared to be missing four key bolts.

Scott Kirby, CEO of United Airlines, threatened to shun Boeing after the carrier’s fleet of MAX 9 aircraft was grounded in the wake of the near-disastrous Alaska Airlines door blowout.

Jennifer Homendy, chair of the National Transportation Safety Board, warned that another midair door blowout like the Boeing 737 MAX 9 fiasco “can happen again,” adding there was a “problem with the process” of production.

Disaster struck again a week after the initial incident when a Boeing plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Japan due to a crack in the cockpit window.

A Boeing 757 lost its front tire as the aircraft was preparing to depart for an international flight in late January. At Atlanta International Airport, a Delta flight bound for Bogota, Colombia, was taxiing across the runway into takeoff position when another plane alerted the control tower that something was amiss.

Later, a UK passenger was alarmed after noticing pieces of tape on the exterior of a Boeing 787 during a flight to India, as seen in shocking photos.

A United Airlines Boeing 777-300 aircraft suffered a midair fuel leak and was forced to make an emergency landing Monday, March 11, marking the fifth incident the airline reported in a little over a week.

Ryanair CEO Michael O’Leary previously said he’s made “loud complaints” to Boeing over quality control.

Whistleblower John Barnett raised safety concerns at the airline’s factories and provided his first testimony at a bombshell lawsuit against Boeing. He was found dead in his truck after he failed to show up for the second part of his testimony on Monday.

“We continuously encourage employees to report concerns as our priority is to ensure the safety of our airplanes and the flying public, and we will take any necessary action to ensure our airplanes meet regulatory requirements.

“Boeing employees can anonymously report concerns through our Speak Up portal or directly to the FAA.”

Joshua Dean, 45, a former quality auditor at Spirit AeroSystems, which assembles fuselage sections for Boeing’s 737 and a whistleblower, died in early May from a fast-growing mystery infection. Facebook / Taylor Rae Roberts

Both men who spoke to The Post said they were not afraid about speaking out, despite conspiracy theories that took root after the deaths of Barnett and Dean.

But Paredes said, “I’m always looking behind my mirror to make sure nobody’s car’s following me.”

As for Irvin, he remains suspicious about Barnett’s death being a suicide.

“I’m not a conspiracy theorist … but I talked to [Barnett] about a week before he passed away. I can’t imagine him giving up like that. Even if he had other problems. I think he would have fought this to the end.

“I’m not gonna say I don’t believe it [the suicide], but it really doesn’t make sense. It doesn’t add up. You can quote me on that.”

This post was originally published on this site

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