
Having Solved All Its Other Problems, California Tackles the REAL Issues Like Banning Plastic Bags

Great news! California has solved its crime problem, its homelessness problem, and its wildfire problem so it can now focus on the really serious issues.

Oh. Wait.


No. Crime is still an issue. So is homelessness. Wildfires are too. California is doing great, basically.

But don’t worry. They’ve banned plastic bags, so all is right with the world!

More from CBS 8:

“Paper or plastic” will no longer be a choice at grocery store checkout lines in California under a new law signed Sunday by Gov. Gavin Newsom that bans all plastic shopping bags.

California had already banned thin plastic shopping bags at supermarkets and other stores, but shoppers could purchase bags made with a thicker plastic that purportedly made them reusable and recyclable.

The new measure, approved by state legislators last month, bans all plastic shopping bags starting in 2026. Consumers who don’t bring their own bags will now simply be asked if they want a paper bag.

State Sen. Catherine Blakespear, one of the bill’s supporters, said people were not reusing or recycling any plastic bags. She pointed to a state study that found that the amount of plastic shopping bags trashed per person grew from 8 pounds (3.6 kilograms) per year in 2004 to 11 pounds (5 kilograms) per year in 2021.



It’s so important it doesn’t go into effect until 2026.

This writer is old enough to remember when plastic bags were the solution to awful paper bags that cut down trees.

But Gavin Newsom insists California is a state focused on ‘freedom’. Except to own guns. Or speak your mind.

They should just get ahead of the curve and ban bags. 

Heck, ban shopping. Go back to farming or hunting-gathering. To save the planet.

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Now all of that “help” from environmentalist liberals is choking the oceans. Liberals are wrong on every issue.

They sure are.


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The larger issue is that environmentalists are so singularly focused on their pet issue that they make things worse.

The zero-carbon environmentalists are a perfect example in California. They convinced the progressives in CA to close Diablo Valley nuke plant instead of building it larger for clean electricity, water desalination. 

Pure stupidity.

Unfiltered, unadulterated stupidity.

But they’re doing something.

And that’s all that matters.



Beyond absurd.

It’s nothing but performance art.

Oh. Wait.

They’ve got their priorities.

They’re all out of whack, but they’ve got them.

This post was originally published on this site

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