
GB@Nite 5-Timer’s Club

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This weekend marks the fifteenth year of Giant Bomb @ Nite (formerly known as E3 Bombcasts). Beginning in 2008 in a simple Holiday Inn bedroom with just one guest, the shows quickly became an E3 tradition thanks to the dueling couches in a tiny USC student house with 40+ guests. The venue then moved to a… questionable house with collapsing skateboard stairs where anyone could just wander in the front door. And then, in 2013, there was the robbery at the movie/TV sets, which we later found out had been used for… explicit filming. We then had many years within the safety of hotel conference rooms accompanied by cardboard cutouts, chalkboards, shirtless chicken wings, vapor chambers, phone crimes, inspirational feasting, and mesmerizing Jenga.

To quote that singular guest from 2008, “it’s been a long road”! Over 300 different guests have appeared throughout the years and some of them have appeared many times. That brings us to the point of this article. Inspired by the famous SNL skit featuring those who’ve hosted the show five times, we have our very own 5-Timer’s Club. I’ve been keeping track of these stats for over a decade, so you may remember seeing me give updates during the shows over the years, but I’m just gonna share the whole spreadsheet to help hype up this weekend.

  • Will we see any new members of the club this year?
  • Will John Drake finally catch Adam Boyes after 13 years of chasing him?
  • Will any new animals join the list?
  • In the immortal words of 8-Timer Dave Lang, “who can say?”

So, who do we KNOW will be on the couch this year? Here’s who’s been announced so far:

The original 5-Timer's Club promo from E3 2017.
The original 5-Timer’s Club promo from E3 2017.

Yes, this will be Brad’s first appearance on an E3 Bombcast…as a guest. And the first time Matt Rorie has appeared in 15 years…as a guest.

Be sure to tune in to Giant Bomb Chat, Twitch, or YouTube this weekend. There will be nightly shows on Friday and Saturday at 8 PM PDT and then the big finale in front of a live audience at The Bellwether on Sunday also at 8 PM. All three nights will have many guests!


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