
‘AMERICA’S DARKEST DAY’: See newspaper headlines from around the world after 9/11

‘AMERICA’S DARKEST DAY’: See newspaper headlines from around the world after 9/11

new york post september 11

The day after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks in New York City, newspapers captured the shock and horror.

New York Post

  • Wednesday is the 23rd anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
  • The day after, newspapers around the world captured the sadness, shock, and horror people felt.
  • We compiled international front pages to show what people woke up to on September 12, 2001.


The September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks happened 23 years ago.

For many people, the attacks were the biggest news story of their lifetime. Almost all who experienced it can remember where they were when they heard of the attacks.

Many people who remember that day also recall the following morning, when newspapers around the world captured the horror, shock, and sadness people felt.

The Newseum, once a museum in Washington, DC, that chronicled the history of media, archived more than 100 newspapers from September 12, 2001, the day after the attacks. The front pages of these newspapers, bearing headlines like “ACT OF WAR” and “AMERICA’S DARKEST DAY,” underscored the impact the attacks had on the American psyche.


Here is what newspapers looked like on September 12, 2001.


The New York Times

september 11 new york times

The New York Times’ front page read “U.S. Attacked.”

New York Times

Source: Newseum

New York Post

new york post september 11

The New York Post used a full-page image of the second plane nearing the tower.

New York Post


New York Daily News

new york daily news september 11

The New York Daily News also used a full-page image of a smoldering tower.

New York Daily News

The Washington Post

washington post 9/11

The Washington Post wrote “hundreds dead” before the full toll — 2,977 — was known.

Washington Post


USA Today

Usa today september 11

USA Today wrote, “America’s sense of security is shattered.”

USA Today

The Atlanta Constitution

september 11 atlanta

The Atlanta Constitution, which started publishing as the Atlanta Journal-Constitution later that year, declared, “Outrage.”

Atlanta Constitution


The Los Angeles Times

the los angeles times september 11

The Los Angeles Times captured the chaos in a series of images.

Los Angeles Times

Detroit Free Press

september 11 detroit free press

The Detroit Free Press featured an image of the rubble at the World Trade Center.

Detroit Free Press


The San Francisco Examiner

september 11 examiner

The San Francisco Examiner showed the towers on fire.

San Francisco Examiner

Chicago Tribune

chicago tribune september 11

The Chicago Tribune led its front page with a quote from President Bush.

Chicago Tribune



newsday september 11

Newsday is a newspaper in Long Island, New York.



september 11 people

People’s Sept. 24 issue showed smoke over the skyline and the second plane.



Seattle Post-Intelligencer

seattle post intelligencer september 11

The Seattle Post Intelligencer reported at least 300 firefighters were among the dead. The number reached 343.

Seattle Post-Intelligencer

Canada’s The Globe and Mail

september 11 globe and mail

“A day of infamy” declared Canada’s Globe and Mail.

Globe and Mail


London’s The Daily Telegraph

september 11 daily telegraph

The UK’s Daily Telegraph’s headline read “War on America.”

The Daily Telegraph

London’s The Times

london times september 11

The UK’s Times showed the scene at 10:02 a.m.

The Times


Melbourne’s Herald Sun

herald sun september 11

North Carolina’s Herald Sun also showed the towers under attack.

Herald Sun


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