
‘GRANDMA KILLER’: Emails Show Cuomo PERSONALLY Altered COVID Nursing Home Death Numbers and LIED About It

At the beginning of September, we told you disgraced former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo would be testifying in front of Congress about his role in sending COVID patients to nursing homes. The move killed many seniors in The Empire State, and back at a hearing in June the panel that questioned Cuomo found his behavior ‘shockingly callous’ as he denied responsibility for issuing the directive that sent thousands of seniors to an early grave.


Well, it turns out Cuomo personally altered COVID death numbers related to his nursing home directive and that he lied during the hearing in June.

We also call that ‘perjury’.

More from The New York Post (emphasis added):

Former Gov. Andrew Cuomo personally altered a state review that lowballed the nursing home COVID-19 death count, emails detailed in a new report show – a revelation that directly contradicts his claims he had nothing to do with it.

Emails and congressional documents undercut Cuomo’s defiant assertion during a summer congressional grilling that he never saw or even had any memory of the state Health Department report, the New York Times first reported.

Governor’s edits are attached for your review,” Cuomo’s assistant wrote to the then-governor’s senior staff in June 2020, the Times report states.

He. Knew.

He knew his directive killed thousands of New York seniors and did irreparable harm to families.

He. KNEW. And lied.

Excellent questions, both.

They sure should.



It absolutely is.

We’ll never forget that.

The rest of the media largely ignored this and we all know why.

Absolutely unforgivable.

There needs to be a reckoning for this.

Absolutely not.

We hope you’re wrong.

Here’s more details on the emails.


The headline from The New York Times is a gross understatement:

‘Undersold’ is a nice way of saying HE LIED.

You don’t despise the media enough.

And, as always, this writer thinks of Janice Dean, who lost both of her in-laws to Cuomo’s gross negligence.

It absolutely is. He lied in June.

He needs to be held accountable.

This post was originally published on this site

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