
The Best Time to Drink Coffee Might Surprise You

While it varies from person to person depending on their tolerance, Beery suggests avoiding coffee in the later afternoon hours so the caffeine does not impact your sleep schedule.

How much coffee is too much?

While there isn’t necessarily a proper time to drink coffee, there is a recommended limit on actual caffeine intake. According to Beery, most adults should be having a maximum of 400 milligrams of caffeine per day, which is what you’ll find in three to five eight-ounce cups of coffee.

However, this recommendation varies depending on your stage of life, according to O’Meara. “For example, if you are pregnant, the recommended maximum caffeine intake is 200 milligrams a day, or two cups of coffee.”

All of this applies to non-coffee related drinks like soda and energy drink as well, adds Meery. “Excessive intake of caffeine can increase your heart rate, cause anxiety, and lead to trouble falling asleep, though caffeine tolerance can be different for everyone.”

What about drinking coffee for weight loss?

Some people swear by coffee for weight loss and boosting their metabolism. But is there actually any merit—or rather, research—backing that claim? Actually, yes!

“There are some studies that indicate drinking coffee may lead to reduction in body fat and weight loss when incorporated into a healthful diet,” Beery says. “Coffee beans do have components such as antioxidants that can help boost metabolism.” However, she notes that what you add to the coffee makes a major difference in how “healthy” it is in the end. “Try not go overboard on the cream and sugar,” she says.

As for the best time to drink coffee for weight loss? “There is not any evidence that drinking coffee at a specific time may help with weight loss,” Beery concludes.

How to boost energy without increasing caffeine

“If you find that you don’t have any energy and want to avoid caffeine, the first thing you want to do is get adequate sleep,” says O’Meara. “Adults should sleep 7 or more hours daily; to work on sleeping more, have a set bed time, decrease screen time at night, and ensure your sleeping environment is cool, quiet, and dark.”

The next thing you want to do to feel more energized is ensure you are eating enough. “If you are not eating enough, you are not giving your body fuel to make energy,” says O’Meara, who notes that a healthy diet is composed of whole grains, lean or plant-based protein, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. “Lastly, to feel more energized, ensure you are active enough and moving your body throughout the day, as completing exercise can increase your perceived energy.”

Finally, it’s important to note that reducing stress can help boost energy levels, too. “Meditation, breathing exercises, going for a walk, or even just talking with a friend may help,” Beary concludes.

Danielle Sinay is the associate beauty editor at Glamour. Follow her on Instagram @daniellesinay.

This post was originally published on this site

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