
Doing This 1 Simple But Unexpected Thing While Taking A Walk Could Vastly Improve Your Health

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Keltner said that they found “three really cool things” when they compared the results of control group to the “awe walk” group.

“Over the eight weeks [of the study], [the ‘awe walk’ group] started to feel more and more awe. So, as we search for awe, we find more of it, which I think is really important. … These people — 75 years old or older — over time felt less pain and distress. Chronic pain and pain when you’re old is serious. It just rattles your consciousness, and here was a little technique that gave them some peace.”

The scientists also documented what Keltner calls “the disappearance of the self.”

“Each week we had [the study participants] take a picture of themselves and what we found was, [those in the study who were going on the awe walk] start to move off to the side [of the] photo. They kind of disappear! What that tells us is their consciousness is — they’re not thinking about ‘OK, there’s my face and I get it perfectly situated in the photo.’ They’re more interested in the vaster scene that they’re part of and losing track of themselves and that’s important — that’s important to expand our attention to things outside of the self.”

Ultimately, Keltner argues the more awe and wonder people of any age experience, the better off they’ll be. 

“It [creates] an amazing cascade of physiology that we can find almost any day and is very good for you,” he told us.

This post was originally published on this site

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