
‘Free Louisiana’ Secessionists Call For State’s Independence From US

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On Wednesday a new political movement was launched in Louisiana campaigning for the state to leave the United States and become a fully independent nation.

The “Free Louisiana” campaign argues the federal government “is bad for Louisiana” and is pushing for the state to leave the Union, either on its own or as part of a “federation of mid-American states.”

Independence movements have developed or grown in a number of American states over the past few years, strengthened by the current intense political division at the federal level that culminated in the contested 2020 presidential election. In February House Republican Marjorie Taylor Greene sparked a national debate when she called for a “national divorce” between Republican and Democratic dominated states.

Speaking to Newsweek a Free Louisiana spokesperson said: “Why is it time for Louisiana to be independent? Most federal politicians have East & West Coast priorities and values.

Louisiana state capitol and flag
Main image, the Louisiana State Capitol in Baton Rouge is seen on April 18, 2020. Inset, an image of the Louisiana state flag. The “Free Louisiana” movement launched this week to campaign for Louisiana to…
Main image, the Louisiana State Capitol in Baton Rouge is seen on April 18, 2020. Inset, an image of the Louisiana state flag. The “Free Louisiana” movement launched this week to campaign for Louisiana to become an independent nation.


“Free Louisiana organizes Louisianians to encourage our state government to peacefully lead middle America out of the Union, so that we can have government that protects us, our livelihoods, and Louisiana values. Washington D.C. doesn’t care about Louisiana and doesn’t protect us from immigration and criminals and our other problems.”

On its website Free Louisiana suggests the Pelican State could become independent either on its own, or with a number of other like-minded states.

It says: “The economy of a federation of mid-American states would be the third-biggest economy in the world. If, in the future, Louisiana announces an independence date, and some other states follow our lead, then there will be few mid-American states who will want to remain behind in a country that has even less influence from middle America.

“Or if Louisiana chooses, Louisiana could become completely independent of other states.”

In its online “Action Plan” Free Louisiana says its current strategy is to raise its profile, particularly at the local level, and to seek support from state legislatures.

It says: “Our ultimate goal is to shape the state’s political environment, so that when it is obvious to enough citizens and political donors, then our state legislators and governor will choose to set an independence date and begin negotiations with other mid-american states and with the federal government. This will probably be preceded by a statewide referendum on the issue…

“One way we can gain media attention is by success at the parish level. We are just starting out now, so we are researching the ordinances in each parish to find out how to force ballot questions about Louisiana independence onto parish or municipal ballots.”

In a statement provided to Newsweek Larkin Jackson, the president of Free Louisiana, commented: “Most federal politicians have East & West Coast priorities and values. Our mission is rooted in the belief that Louisiana’s prosperity and values are best preserved by achieving self-governance.

“We want to use a democratic process to exercise Louisiana’s right to self-determination.”

Newsweek contacted the office of Louisiana’s Republican Gov. Jeff Landry for comment by email on Thursday outside of usual office hours.

The Supreme Court ruled in the 1869 case Texas v. White that individual states do not have the right to unilaterally secede from the U.S., stating that when they joined the Union they “entered into an indissoluble relation.” This view was backed by former Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia who in 2006 said: “If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede.”

However, Hy McEnery, a Southern Baptist minister and former soldier who serves as vice president of Free Louisiana, insisted state secession is constitutional.

In the statement provided to Newsweek he said: “The freedom of a state to withdraw its membership in any union is a state power that was not given up when the states formed the federal government. The U.S. Constitution has a list of things that states may not do, but it does not include secession. And the Tenth Amendment says any powers that states didn’t delegate to the federal government are retained by the states, or by the people.”

The past few months have seen a string of victories for Texas independence campaigners, of which the largest single group is the Texas Nationalist Movement (TNM).

In June, the Republican Party of Texas included support for a statewide independence referendum in its 2014 Legislative Priorities and Platform document, after the proposal was approved by members at a convention in San Antonio the previous month.

Also at the convention supporters of a referendum on Texan independence were elected as the chair and vice-chair of the Republican Party of Texas.

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