
May 2024

All posts published in May 2024

296 posts

Broccoli – Broccoli Rabe – Broccolini


What's the Difference Between Broccoli, Broccoli Rabe, and Broccolini? Most of us know and have eaten broccoli, and many of us have enjoyed broccoli rabe (rapini), but how many of you have tried broccolini? How are they similar, and how are they different? Bro... More »


The Not-E3 2024 Time Zone Chart


E3 is officially dead. It was a long, slow death and it will be missed.But, that ain't stoppin' these presentations, showcases, press conferences, developer directs, or whatever the hell else they're calling these things these days. It's a mess, so I'm here to... More »


Why Javier Milei shattered Argentina’s bond with Spain


The latest developments could have a considerable economic impact, however. With €18 billion in assets in Argentina, Spain is the second-largest foreign investor in the country, meaning that a lasting rift would likely hurt the nation’s already delicate financ... More »



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