
May 9th, 2024

All posts published on May 9th, 2024

5 posts

How Deep Change Happens


In 2020 Joe Biden ran on the theme of saving the soul of America. Once he was president, he used the power of his office to help direct hundreds of billions of dollars through the infrastructure law and the CHIPS Act to the people and places that had been left... More »


Give Me Laundry Liberty or Give Me Death!


MAGA Republicans say that America is in crisis: The economy is collapsing while the nation is being overrun by hordes of violent immigrants. Not true.But if that’s what you believe, you should be laser-focused on fighting the clear and present danger, right?In... More »


Reasons to Have Hope


Mr. Kristof is the author of a new memoir, “Chasing Hope: A Reporter’s Life,” from which this essay is adapted.More than three-quarters of Americans say the United States is headed in the wrong direction. This year, for the first time, America dropped out of t... More »




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