
April 29th, 2024

All posts published on April 29th, 2024

10 posts

Unlocking the Fresh Flavors and Health Benefits of Parsley


All About Parsley As a kid, I was allergic to parsley. At least, that's what I told my mother. I'm unsure if I was allergic or just made that up. Today, I'm a huge fan and enjoy it as a seasoning or garnish on many of my meals. Parsley, with its vibrant green ... More »


Did you solve it? Tiler swift


Earlier today I set you this puzzle, about the tiling of a 4x4 grid. It requires a swift preamble, so here we go again.Consider the image below, which highlights adjacent rows in the grid.View image in fullscreenFor each cell in a top row, there are two choice... More »


Scotland’s leader Humza Yousaf quits


His exit triggers the second leadership fight in the SNP in two years. Yousaf only came to power after long-running First Minister Nicola Sturgeon unexpectedly called time on her own leadership of the pro-Scottish independence force, which has long been domina... More »


Facebook and Instagram face EU probes in content crackdown


Platforms like Facebook were asked to ensure that political ads and AI deepfakes are clearly labeled under the DSA ahead of the election.Hundreds of millions of Europeans will go to the polls on June 6-9 to elect new Parliament representatives, who will se... More »


Can you solve it? Tiler swift


Apologies to any Antipodean Swifties arriving on this page. Today’s puzzle is about tiles, and whether or not you can solve it swiftly.The puzzle concerns black and white tiles on a 4x4 grid. Consider the image below, which highlights adjacent rows in the grid... More »



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