
April 11th, 2024

All posts published on April 11th, 2024

11 posts

In Praise of Middle Managers


Nobody writes poems about middle managers. Nobody gets too romantic about the person who runs a department at a company, or supervises a construction crew, or serves as principal at a school, manager at a restaurant or deacon at a church. But I’ve come to beli... More »


Spaghetti Carbonara


Rating4.92 / 24 votesPhotographer David LeiteThis knock-it-out-of-the-park, authentic spaghetti alla carbonara recipe calls for extra egg yolk, which lends a silken richness and lusciousness to the dish. If you want a traditional version, use four whole e... More »


Humane’s AI Pin Wants to Free You From Your Phone


On a recent afternoon, I held a bagel in front of me and said: “Look and tell me if this is healthy.”A monotone voice responded that the bagel was unhealthy because it was high in carbohydrates, which could contribute to weight gain.I wasn’t talking to a tech ... More »


Republicans Are Fleeing the Stench of a Rotten Congress


When it comes to Donald Trump, House Republicans do a convincing pantomime of love. Many of them chirpily parrot his lies. Most of them merrily launder his misdeeds. They grovel for his favor, gush about getting his endorsement and speak and vote in line with ... More »




THE very first trailer for Joker: Folie à Deux has been released.The highly anticipated sequel to the 2019 drama film will star Joaquin Phoenix, 49, and Lady Gaga, 38, and will be released in theaters this fall.7A new trailer for Joker: Folie à Deux has been r... More »


California on alert as San Andreas fault hints at quake…


Parkfield lies right on the San Andreas fault (Pictiure: Datawrapper)The tiny town of Parkfield in California has something unusual about it. Scientists are always eagerly studying it, because it is right on top of the San Andreas fault, and has been called th... More »



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