
April 25th, 2024

All posts published on April 25th, 2024

14 posts

America Is Writing Checks That Mere Optimism Won’t Cover


Over the past few decades, in a surge of bipartisan national self-confidence, the federal government has borrowed a lot of money, sometimes in response to national emergencies and sometimes to do the things people thought were worth doing. We gave ourselves pe... More »


Brian Haywood obituary


My grandfather, Brian Haywood, who has died aged 91, spent his career working as a nuclear physicist, mainly at the UK Atomic Energy Authority at Harwell in Oxfordshire.He was born in Birmingham to Vi and Hal, who ran a haberdashery shop. An only child, Brian ... More »


For the Sake of Democracy, Celebrate Mike Johnson


We’ve seen movies aplenty in which a deeply flawed protagonist, someone we’d pretty much given up hope on, has a stirring of conscience or change of heart and puts his immediate interests at risk for the sake of something bigger. The music swells. The credits ... More »


What’s So Scary About a Charter School?


Last week the Missouri legislature passed an enormous bill that contains a laundry list of changes to public education in the state. Among those changes is the provision that, if citizens, teachers, or parents are so inclined to start one, a charter school may... More »


2023 Booooooom Photo Awards Winner: Wilhelm Philipp


Can you share a little bit about finding your artistic voice? It can be difficult to find your true artistic voice, just as it can be to find your place in the world. While these explorations of the soul are different in nature, I believe they both have overla... More »




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