
August 2024

All posts published in August 2024

694 posts

When ‘Abortion’ Wasn’t a Dirty Word


One morning in 2012, eight weeks into her pregnancy, Shannon Withycombe woke up bleeding: She was having a miscarriage. In the emergency room, however, no doctor or nurse uttered that word. Instead, she had to wait to read her discharge papers, which read “inc... More »


Eyes on the Action


Time spent away from the hamster wheel of daily life—in a serene environment, fresh air in abundance—has a way of invigorating the senses. And, of course, there’s no shortage of outdoor pursuits to satisfy that craving, from hiking and kayaking to camping and ... More »


Kit Harington Is Shirtless, Ripped, and Scheming in Industry


AS FAR AS stars go, Kit Harington is in pretty rarified air. In many ways, Game of Thrones was one of the last pieces of monoculture; the HBO fantasy smash was one of the final shows that it felt like truly everyone watched, and he played one of the most impor... More »


Calvin Royal Creates a Ballet Festival With Intention and Care


With “Unite,” a festival he planned and curated at the Joyce Theater, Royal is “taking the time to do things right,” he said.It was oppressively hot on a recent afternoon in a dance studio at a former Boys’ Club of New York in the East Village. Two long-limbed... More »




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