
August 7th, 2024

All posts published on August 7th, 2024

45 posts

Judge Orders Lawyers Back Over Border Barrier Confusion


A federal judge has demanded that Texas send an attorney in person to his courtroom in the long-running dispute about a floating anti-immigrant barrier along the Mexico border.As part of Operation Lone Star, which Abbott launched in March 2021, Texas deployed ... More »


Russia Has Already Lost in Ukraine | Opinion


Listen to Russian officials these days, and you're liable to hear a decidedly triumphant tone. Two-and-a-half years into the Kremlin's war of aggression against neighboring Ukraine, its officials seem more and more convinced that their country's eventual victo... More »


Her Epilepsy Seemed to Be Managed Well … Until It Wasn’t


More than a decade after her original diagnosis, she suddenly had episodes of losing consciousness. Was this a different type of seizure? “I’m feeling a little stroke-y,” the 33-year-old woman said to her friend Clare as they stood in her kitchen making pizza ... More »



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