
July 2024

All posts published in July 2024

465 posts

A New Specialized Train Is Ready to Haul Nuclear Waste


Nuclear power plants are on track to generate more than 140,000 tonnes of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) before 2060. Every year, 2,000 tonnes of radioactive heavy metal join the growing inventory of fuel removed from nuclear power reactors—both operating and decomm... More »


10 PowerToys you should use on Windows


Microsoft is talking a lot about Copilot+ PCs with exclusive AI features. Those features aren’t very useful yet, but there is a compelling package of extra features for Windows you can get on any Windows PC — for free. It’s called Microsoft PowerToys.I’ve ... More »


Can We ‘Make America Affordable Again’? Should We?


The third item on the 2024 Republican Party platform, after promises to seal the border and engage in mass deportations, is a pledge to “END INFLATION, AND MAKE AMERICA AFFORDABLE AGAIN.”On the first part of that pledge, I don’t know whether the platform’s dra... More »


This Neurodivergent Engineer’s Strategy for Success


Being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder as a child hasn’t hindered computer engineer Roberto Moreno from reaching his goals. ASD, a neurodevelopmental disorder, impacts how a person behaves, learns, perceives the world, and socializes with others. Moreno... More »


A Trillion Rogue Planets and Not One Sun to Shine on Them


On 29 October 2020, astronomer Przemek Mróz from the University of Warsaw and an international group of collaborators reported a peculiar flicker of light originating from halfway across our galaxy. The signal, designated OGLE-2016-BLG-1928, was extremely subt... More »


Project 2025 and the New Spoils System


I’m not going to speculate about the effect of Saturday’s attempted assassination of Donald Trump on the 2024 presidential race. I will, however, make one observation: Some on the political right are using the attack to imply that the criticism of Trump’s past... More »


Donald Trump, Man of Destiny


Every act of political violence yields instant reactions that can’t be supported by the available facts.A single assassination attempt by a loner with a rifle doesn’t necessarily tell us anything about whether America is poised to plunge into a political abyss... More »




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