
July 16th, 2024

All posts published on July 16th, 2024

6 posts

Can We ‘Make America Affordable Again’? Should We?


The third item on the 2024 Republican Party platform, after promises to seal the border and engage in mass deportations, is a pledge to “END INFLATION, AND MAKE AMERICA AFFORDABLE AGAIN.”On the first part of that pledge, I don’t know whether the platform’s dra... More »


This Neurodivergent Engineer’s Strategy for Success


Being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder as a child hasn’t hindered computer engineer Roberto Moreno from reaching his goals. ASD, a neurodevelopmental disorder, impacts how a person behaves, learns, perceives the world, and socializes with others. Moreno... More »


A Trillion Rogue Planets and Not One Sun to Shine on Them


On 29 October 2020, astronomer Przemek Mróz from the University of Warsaw and an international group of collaborators reported a peculiar flicker of light originating from halfway across our galaxy. The signal, designated OGLE-2016-BLG-1928, was extremely subt... More »



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