
June 2024

All posts published in June 2024

370 posts

Five Amazing Dolphin Behaviors, Explained


Spinner dolphins swim in the Red Sea. Research has shown some dolphins are shy, while others are extroverted. Alexis Rosenfeld / Getty ImagesDespite our completely different environments, people love connecting with dolphin... More »


10 Awesome Things to do in Florence, Italy


A trip to Florence is a dream-come-true. This historic Italian city is overflowing with classic art, intriguing architecture, beautiful views, and delectable cuisine. Whether you visit for a weekend or stay in a villa in Florence for a few months, your time in... More »


Did you solve it? Try this triple Tetris teaser


Earlier today I set you three symmetry puzzles. Here they are again with solutions.The most entertaining way to solve these problems is to cut the pieces out of paper and do the rearranging by hand. However, a generous reader made an interactive version availa... More »


Can you solve it? Try this triple Tetris teaser


Today’s puzzles are of a piece. Two, three, and five pieces, to be exact.In each problem you are presented with a set of non-symmetrical shapes. The challenge is to rearrange them without overlaps so the combined shape has a line of symmetry.1. Triangle twinsV... More »




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