
June 2024

All posts published in June 2024

386 posts

The Community Spotlight 2024.06.29


Welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight! I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host as we look at the notable site-related news and best community creations from the previous week!How are your bank accounts holding up now ... More »


This Wearable Computer Made a Fashion Statement


In 1993, well before Google Glass debuted, the artist Lisa Krohn designed a prototype wearable computer that looked like no other. The Cyberdesk was an experiment in augmented reality. At a time when computers were mostly beige and boxy, Krohn envisioned a p... More »


The Ghastly vs. the Ghostly


He’s being selfish. He’s putting himself ahead of the country. He’s surrounded by opportunistic enablers. He has created a reality distortion field where we’re told not to believe what we’ve plainly seen. His hubris is infuriating. He says he’s doing this for ... More »


Why Conservatives Shouldn’t Be Doomers


Along with Donald Trump, a big winner in Thursday night’s presidential debate was the distinguished historian Niall Ferguson, who recently stirred up a lot of debate with a column for The Free Press comparing contemporary America with the later stages of the S... More »




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