
April 2023

All posts published in April 2023

94 posts

Did you solve it? Pawn pandemonium


Today’s puzzles are about pawns on a chessboard. They require no expertise at chess. All you need to know is that the queen can move in any direction, for any number of squares. (Usually the Monday puzzle is published on a Monday but these puzzles went live ye... More »


Who Can Save the Amazon?


Photo BoothWho Can Save the Amazon?Brazil’s President, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, promises to keep miners and loggers from destroying the rain forest. On the ground, the fight is complicated.By Jon Lee AndersonApril 3, 2023The pajé, or traditional healer, of a... More »


17 Best Easter Recipes


Rating5 / 3 votesWhen I was a kid, Easter wasn’t a big holiday. We did the whole church thing, of course. (You know my parents…) But all I was interested in was a.) biting the heads off of as many chocolate bunnies as I could find, and 2.) Easter dinner. (In t... More »




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